These Pictures Will Tell You Why Is It So Hard To Understand Girlfriend’s Logic!


Men are really wise and probably have the solutions to all problems. But one thing they’ll always terribly fail at is, understanding their girlfriend’s logic. Now, this is something that even Google himself can’t give you answers too, nor will another girl. Because we DON’T really know what we want! As far as we go, logic doesn’t really work that good, especially when we are talking about our boyfriends.

Here are 16 pictures that will tell you why is it so hard to understand Girlfriend’s logic!

1. Manners are only to be portrayed in front of guys.

girlfriend's logic


2. Yeah, definitely his fault for hooking up with you in the first place!

girlfriend's logicvia

3. Oh, this is really relatable for the majority of girlfriends!

girlfriend's logicvia 


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