15 Honest Office Confessions By Women Of What Really Happened At Work?


13. A Wish

Many of my women colleagues have a great job, along with a rich husband who earns enough, giving an option for them to quit and stay home with the kids. I really envy them and hate myself sometimes for not having such an option. But to be honest, sometimes I feel guilty and insecure if ever I happen to be dependent on my rich man, and myself not being the bread winner.

office honest really happened


14. Gender Imbalance

Whenever I am giving a speech or a presentation in my office, the rest of the men happen to be very disturbing and interrupting during the course. For them, women should not be given a chance to speak up and if the women are too loud, then they are considered as bossy, aggressive and man-ish. If quiet then they are too weak and timid. Hence, the men end up taking all the credit for the work done.

office honest really happened


15. Lonely Boss

To be honest being the boss is the most unrewarding thing I’ve ever done. I’ve never been so lonely at work. Professionally it’s fine, but on the personal level, it’s a very down and lonely feeling. Very difficult to trust anyone on this part. Many opportunists are out there.

office honest really happened


also, read 20 Lesbians Who Confess They’ll Be Alone Again On Valentine’s Day!!!


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