Man Gets 400 Matches On Tinder Just By Using Snapchat Gender Swap Filter


This shows how desperate some people can be. They will take anything they get on Tinder. They won’t even use their logic to figure out that the picture looks a little odd. Jake Askew, 20 decided to have a little fun and used to the Snapchat Gender Swap Filter to change his photo into a girl’s.

Image Source: ER

fake profile on Tinder

He was impressed by the result. With that, he got an idea for a prank. He created a profile on Tinder with that picture. What happened next is unbelievable.

fake profile on Tinder

His inbox flooded with messages from single guys and the cheesy pickup lines they used made him laugh so hard.

fake profile on Tinder

He created the account under the name Jess, age 19. Within a few days, the profile has got 1,650 likes and 400 matches.

fake profile on Tinder

He has shared the screenshot of messages on Twitter and people went crazy.

fake profile on Tinder

Jake is from Norwich and when asked how it all started he reported that they were just playing with Snapchat filters. He turned himself into a woman.

fake profile on Tinder

He admitted that when he looked at the picture he did not find it convincing. It was looking like bad editing.

fake profile on Tinder


Then he decided to create an account on Tinder and see how many matches he can get.

fake profile on Tinder


To his amazement within an hour, Jess was the most popular girl at Derby. He has shared screenshots from chats and inbox which got around 13k likes.

fake profile on Tinder


After that, a guy decided to prank his girlfriend. A guy named Ryan Hill used the filter on a picture which he took pretending to be sleeping on the sofa and send it to his girlfriend Melissa.

fake profile on Tinder


He sent the picture with the text, “I have your bf’s clothes on.” She got furious. Her boyfriend tried to explain to her that it was a joke but she insisted to know who the woman was.


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