30 Lucky People Who Thought It Was Going To Be The Worst Day But It Got Unexpectedly Better


Having a bad day? or is it already a worst day ? Everyday people are complaining about the things happening to them, and there are literally thousands of sayings that optimists absolutely love to throw in your face when you are having a worst day. You know, phrases like, “the glass is half full” or “a good day after a dark night” and other popular phrases. But even in the most worst situations, there are people who have experienced the simple twist of luck that turns a bad day into one of the best days ever. Whether it’s a miracle of karma or a dose of luck, here we have a few people whose day got unexpectedly better in some odd situations and definitely made their day.

30 people whose worst day got unexpectedly better by making it a memorable one

1. Damnnnnn !
worst day became unexpectedly better


2. When waiter gives you tip

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3. People are always complaining about having a worst day, then there is this

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4. Life is a gamble 

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5. The reaction of the guy wearing the yellow pants says it all

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6. This baby had no idea that her mom was going to surprise her with her own personal hot tub

worst day became unexpectedly better via 


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