Pictures Showing How Life Is Today & How It Used To Be!


The world is changing too fast and in the last few years, it has changed a lot. Tech field is on its peak and it feels like there is nothing impossible that we can’t do. If you were born in the 90s, you will realize how much the world has changed. Not just the entertainment and tech field, but also the other sectors. Today’s kid may not realize the change but if people aged 20+ definitely knows how advanced our lives have become and how quickly things are changing. In this article, we will show you how the world has changed and how it used to be via some pictures. These pictures so well described and it smartly depicts how life is today and how it used to be.

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Here are the pictures that show how life is today and how it used to be. Let’s take a look!

Quite relatable. Isn’t it?

life today and how it used to be


Yes, that’s in a toilet. It clearly shows how fast our lives have become.

life today and how it used to be


People staying away from family or friends know how it feels like

life today and how it used to be


Workout back then and now. Big difference

life today and how it used to be


Vacation pics before and after smartphones

life today and how it used to be


When staying up all night used to be fun but now it feels like a punishment

life today and how it used to be


Now sharing things with others can get you in trouble

life today and how it used to be


The difference in middle ages then and now

life today and how it used to be


Kids these days love to spend time online and play games behind the screen

life today and how it used to be


Texting has really changed our lives

life today and how it used to be


This is how movies are made these days. A majority of shots in every movie are CGI and special effects.

life today and how it used to be


This is so true. Do you agree?

life today and how it used to be


Our lives have changed indeed and there are so many other things that we missed to list our here. These changes in our lives have both pros and cons. What’s you take on this? Do let us know.

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