12 Prison Inmates Personally Reveal What It’s Really Like Being Locked Up


10. Being Locked Up Is Cruel. 

Prison Inmates


“Showering in a moldy shower and wondering why they don’t care. Putting shampoo bottles together to make a sink stopper. Washing clothes in the sink. Talking to other inmates through doors. The hole at night, and singing Hotel California at the top of your lungs.”

11. Food Is Terrible. 

Prison Inmates


“Lunch, what a joke, no change of menu for over a year. Have to try and eat, but it’s hard to get it down.”

12. A Doctor’s Appointment. 

Prison Inmates


“I have been waiting for a doctor’s appointment for eight weeks. Maybe next week. (I put in for an emergency dental appointment as I broke a front tooth off – it was 41 days.) Yes, we are banged up all weekend – that will be four out of four days this month. Perhaps they are going for the record. During the week when we are not working due to staff shortages, which is very regular.”


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