12 Funeral Workers Recall Their Creepy Experiences During The Job!


Funerals are hard. But have you ever wondered what the funeral workers go through each time they are on their jobs?

Take a look at these creepy experiences funeral workers confessed on Reddit and find out.

1. Just Hold On We’re Going Home. 

Funeral Workers Creepy Experiences


“I used to work in tissue recovery. My least favorite part was prepping a donor for recovery, as it included shaving the arms/legs. Once, we had a donor who was very freshly deceased. I held his hand to shave his arm, and his fingers curled around my hand as rigor mortis set in.

2. Creepy Experiences Like These Can Ruin Sleep. 

Funeral Workers Creepy Experiences


“I’m a nurse, and the only place I’ve ever seen the lights flicker is just outside the morgue. They are fine almost all of the time but when we bring a body down the lights always flicker. Really creeps me out.”

3. Funeral Workers Have It Tough. 

Funeral Workers Creepy Experiences


“I was filling out paperwork over one of the bodies while working late when it shuddered. Never saw that before or after, no explanation.”


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