12 Funeral Workers Recall Their Creepy Experiences During The Job!


4. Some People Never Keep Quiet. 

Funeral Workers Creepy Experiences


“Well, if a corpse happens to have a lungful of air, moving them causes it to release. When the air travels through their throat, you get some minor vocalization, but it’s usually just a liquid gurgle or snoring sound. It still gets me sometimes, though, especially if I’m working alone.”

5. Death At A Funeral. 

Funeral Workers Creepy Experiences


“I’m a funeral director/embalmer and I have seen… just so many bad funerals. One that really stood out was the time that a family released doves in a rural cemetery, after being told not to, and a hawk ripped one to pieces.”

6. Harvey Dent, Is That You?

Funeral Workers Creepy Experiences


“When you die, blood gravitates and settles and makes the body swell in those areas. I once had a man who had half of his face swollen from blood and was completely dried out on the other side. Super weird to see.”


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