Self-Taught Columbian Illustrator Shows The Combination Of Cuteness And Sarcasm!


How doesn’t love a good dose of sarcasm wrapped in cuteness? Well, everybody needs a little sarcasm in their lives and we don’t even acknowledge the little things that take place around us. Well, thank god there are people left who actually pay heed to such details and make our lives a little better. One such person is the Columbian Illustrator who presents his work as a dose of cuteness and sarcasm combined.

Andrés J. Colmenares a self-taught Columbian Illustrator beautifully holds up the reality around us wrapped in bittersweet sarcasm!

1. Nobody likes to be woken up when they’re not ready, how does it feel now?

2. Okay, more isn’t always required, sometimes less means a lot and has a deeper effect than more could ever have.

3. Sometimes, all you need to do is believe it to be true, no matter whether it really does exist in reality or not.

4. If I fit I sit, a classic example of I don’t care what you think.

5. Only really pale people would understand the meaning, oh well, I feel you buddy!

6. Uh-Oh, looks like sometimes we create troubles for yourself, you really shouldn’t have provoked him like that!

7. Of course, people remember your birthday, after all, you took the effort of mentioning it on Facebook. And Facebook remembers everything!

8. Okay, so that is what was going on behind the scenes, shame on you, Ninja Turtles!

9. You should always judge the pros and cons yourself before you blindly follow what others ask you to do, they might not want your best interest.
columbian illustrator
10. This is harsh but the true reality, nobody really values innovation and uniqueness anymore. Everybody just wants sh*t that’s real.
columbian illustrator
11. That is how people will try to curb your confidence, you were an awesome buddy!
columbian illustrator
12. This is just so cute, things that may look normal to you can be really important to someone.
columbian illustrator
13. I need my coffee before I can be myself for an entire day!
columbian illustrator


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