12 Illustrations Showing How Desperately We Want To Get In Shape But Fail


We don’t even have any idea how many people desperately want to get in shape every single year. Some consider getting into shape as their New Year’s resolution and some get motivated when summer hits. Either way, getting in shape is not that easy and not everyone can stay motivated about it. We pretend that we desperately want to get in shape and lose some pounds but when it comes to working out, sometimes we are not successful. Either one sleeps throughout his workout session or a special friend brings you the tastiest piece of cake available in the town. These funny and relatable illustrations clearly show how desperately we want to get in shape, but still can’t get the work done for silly reasons.

1. You know you are completely out of shape, but you still try to make silly excuses to yourself in order to not wake up at 6 A.M in the morning. Can illustrations get any more relatable?

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

2. Keeping yourself away from junk food (which are actually very tasty) is definitely a difficult job. It desperately calls you up for a treat to your taste buds and threat to your diet.

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

3. Did you ever take an oath to not do something and tried to get out of that oath by making excuses which actually don’t make sense. Trust me, everybody else has also done it and illustrations like these portray the situation perfectly.

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

4. Chocolate love is real love. It’s bad for your goals of desperately wanting to get in shape but come on, the love is real.

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

5. That moment when your cat saves you from your workout session, because you can’t be so inhumane, can you?

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

6. When it’s your birthday but you want to desperately get in shape, these kind of illustrations become relatable.

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

7. What you actually mean when you say that you still fit into last year’s summer things. You are not in shape, you’re just uninspired.

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

8. Expectations vs Reality when it comes to abs. Probably, it’s because you don’t want those ripped abs as desperately as others who actually work for it.

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

9. When you convince yourself for one single piece but the taste is so intimidating that you finish all of it.

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

10. It’s summer already but you have not had enough out of tasty food, so you decide to stay back at home.

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

11. The yoga poses definitely has the potential to make you sleep if you are not that inspired.

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape

12. Illustrations like these for relationship goals are lit. Food is love.

Illustrations showing how desperately we want to get in shape
Credits: BrightSide


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