Italian Artist Proves With Her Illustrations That Cats Are Also Loving And Friendly.


Let’s all agree that cats are the most misunderstood animals. A lot of people think that they don’t show love or affection towards their master but it’s not true. Yes I agree that sometimes they only come to you when they need food. But they have their own ways to show love and affection. They sleep a lot and they do not like to be disturbed which is what a lot of us think, but these illustrations made by Margherita Grasso who is working in Milan, Italy will make you think twice about cats stereotyping. Not just dogs, but cats are also loving and friendly. Keep reading to see these cute illustrations.

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Italian illustrator proves that how friendly and fun loving cats can be. Let’s take a look!

Sometimes they like to be around you when they attention from you

Italian illustrator on cats

For some reason, they love boxes and hide in it.

Italian illustrator on cats

Most faithful and cute company

Italian illustrator on cats

Does this happen with you too?

Italian illustrator on cats

They often do this and find an object or anything to scratch their nose and face.

Italian illustrator on cats

Future goals of every cat lover

Italian illustrator on cats

They are always high on curiosity. They love looking outside the window.

Italian illustrator on cats

Playing with your hair is another cute thing they do to you.

Italian illustrator on cats

When you massage them a little bit or play with them, they feel so good.

Italian illustrator on cats

Sometimes they have no clue what you are doing to them. They must be like ‘leave me hooman’ but you know that your affection won’t end for them :p

Italian illustrator on cats

When they keep disturbing you. Especially when you read a book or use your laptop.

Italian illustrator on cats

The always feel amazed when they see something new in the house.

Italian illustrator on cats

Cupboards and closets are their favorite place to hide. They feel so comfy in there.

Italian illustrator on cats

When you take them to the vet for the first time.

Italian illustrator on cats

Their sleeping style. Most cutest thing ever 😉

Italian illustrator on cats

Image Source: Instagram

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