15 Relatable Problems We All Face While Taking Selfies


4. Expectation is way different from reality 



This can get the best of us, guys. Even the most professional and skilled selfie-takers. You’re giving the camera your fiercest selfie face: puckered lips and all, you snap the photo and then… OK, wow. That certainly took a turn. Needless to say, that selfie came out absolutely nothing like you expected.

This can be quite mind-boggling, especially when you really thought you nailed it, not to mention, a total blow to one’s ego. You might even start questioning yourself like, “OMG do I really look like that?!” The answer is probably no, however, it can take a toll on you and make you feel all the feels! Damn you, selfie. Damn you.

5. When your selfie turns out to be a group shot



There’s a reason the word is entitled “selfie.” It means to take a picture of oneself. Oneself, as in one person, not as in many. Some people just can’t wrap their minds around this very simple concept. Those people are the ones who get those spider tingly senses just as you’re about to snap a selfie. These same people will run up to you, and even round up a few more peeps, to obnoxiously photobomb your selfie masterpiece. At this point, it transitions from a selfie to a giant cluster. Nonetheless, having a fun group of people in your selfie can actually make for a better photo, and more importantly, get you more likes. I mean, that’s what it’s all about anyway, right?

6.  Learning your angles



If you’ve mastered the art of selfies, then you know just how long it takes to learn your best angles. It’s not as easy as one would think. You’ve spent countless amounts of time trying each angle on for size, and voilà! Just like magic, you’ve finally figured out which angle looks the best… or so you think. Trust us, this is no small feat. Sometimes when you think you’ve figure out your best angle, your camera says, “Nope”—leaving you back at square one. This can be extremely frustrating. But when you finally perfect your selfie game, your life will be forever changed! 


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