15 Relatable Problems We All Face While Taking Selfies


10. Your phone runs out of storage



Nothing is worse than getting all glammed up, preparing for that perfect selfie, just to see that infamous “cannot take a photo” error message pop up on the home screen.  Like, are you kidding me?! Right now, cellphone? Really?! Am I being punked? OK, I know that’s not still a thing, but let’s just go with it. It always seems like your phone inconveniently decides to run out of storage just as soon as you’re about to take the most awesome selfie EVER. Either that, or someone is playing a mean prank on you. Regardless, this can be a total buzzkill when you’re trying to snap a quick selfie for the gram. Sheesh, phones can be such haters.

11. Being judged for taking too many selfies



How awkward is it to capture that perfect selfie in public when you know people are watching you? Not only are they watching you, they’re secretly judging you. You know it’s true. Can’t you just hear what they’re thinking? “OMG she’s so obnoxious”…”How narcissistic”… “She’s so annoying”… and there’s probably plenty more where that came from. We’ll be honest, it is pretty awkward to watch someone try to take the perfect selfie in public, and yes, it does look quite self-absorbed. This is usually why I resort to taking selfies in the privacy of my own home. However, this doesn’t seem to stop most people, as they’ll snap a selfie every single chance they get, whether it’s at home or on a crowded train. Hey, by any means necessary right?

12. Not being able to choose one good selfie because surprisingly you clicked too many good ones



This is a rare occurrence for many peeps who like to take selfies. It’s not very often that I’m able to take multiple selfies (more like 12,324,00 selfies, but I digress), and actually have more than one turn out great. This is almost unheard of! But sometimes, perhaps due to some good karma, you get blessed by the selfie gods who allow you to take more than one great shot. When these moments happen—although rare—one may have a little difficulty selecting a single shot. I mean, because let’s be serious, you can’t let all that selfie goodness go to waste, right? That’s absurd. Maybe you really like your lips in one shot, but the way your cheekbones look in another, etc. The only way to resolve this issue my friends, is to put all your favorite shots in one collage. Let’s hear it for the small victories! 


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