Romantic First Dates Ideas That Are Going To Change Your Life!


First dates are really important and you’ve got to get it right. There’s no pressure or something but if you can make a really strong impression on why he/she should be with you you’ll definitely be at an advantage. But people often tend to mess it up, so have a look at these romantic first dates ideas that will really help you leave an impression!

These romantic first date ideas are definitely going to spice up your love life!

1. Try taking her out on a small picnic instead of a fancy restaurant.

first dates

Let’s face it, girls really like emotions and what’s better than getting to know each other out in the open fresh cool breeze and fresh daylight is really going to set the mood.

2. Opt to walk her back home instead of calling a cab or dropping her off in your brand new car.

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Materialistic things only attract gold diggers, but for people who are looking for a real something they will leave no chance to get to know you better.

3. Take her to an outdoor movie instead of going to a movie theatre.

first dates

Outdoor movies really have their own comfort when in the dark you can peacefully watch a movie and also get to know each other better.

4. Prepare her a dinner of her choice.

first dates

If you have great cooking skills you’ll definitely make a really good impression on her cause honestly, girls love guys who can cook.

5. Go boating together.

Image result for couples go boating

I absolutely love boating dates, girls would any day trade a fancy dinner for a really exciting boat ride, the water the cool breeze definitely makes the moment perfect.

6. Plan a date where you get to spend a full day together.

first dates

Start it off with breakfast, may sound weird, but trust me this works. Breakfast is the first day of the meal and you really have an appetite to satisfy. With fresh juice and eggs and bacon, you might just make it perfect.

7. Go to a bookstore.

Image result for couples going to bookstore

Ditch the idea of taking your date to a club, instead, take her to a book store that has coffee lounges as well so that you get to talk as much as you can, you’ll even come to know about her views and ideas.

9. Visit an outdoor market.

Let’s face it, markets do test one’s patience and bargaining skills as well. Going from one booth to another might be really fun and you’d get to know your partner better.

10. Visit a tourist spot that neither of you has been to.

Image result for couples visiting tourist places

Visiting a place that has never been visited by you can be a really good way of connecting. The scenic beauty can really be a great conversation starter and slowly you too will get to know each other.


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