18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through


Texting while walking for sure would ring some bells that are gonna revive all those small incidents that you’d faced because of it. Walking straight into poles, trees, walls or any such things isn’t something that people here don’t experience once in a while. Ones that happen with nobody around aren’t of much problem as compared to the ones that are weird enough to embarrass you publicly. Well, good part is that you are not the only ones to be ridiculed on this matter. Here are 18 of the texting while walking accidents that will surely make you say ‘Been there, done that’. 

1. Looks like the harm is already done.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

2. Texting while walking and running into a pole! Nothing that people on daily basis don’t go through.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

3. I guess, poles are causing a lot many accidents out there.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

4. Seems like someone’s driving while texting adventure turned out to be a little too much adventurous.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

5. Slammed into wall, Eh! Seems damn filmy.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

6. I clearly remember the day when I ran straight into a car’s mudguard too. 

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

7. No way! There’s a whole lot of people walking down the same aisle.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

8. Glass doors have capability to bamboozle you even when you’re walking, let alone texting.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

9. Looks like many parked cars have been the victims to accidents caused.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

10. This guy and random trees are in for some serious concoction. 

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

11. I am pretty sure that this guy’s hot neighbour is no more under the impression that he is single.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

12. Been there, done that. Except for the fact that someone was really inside that car. Oops!

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

13. Serious accidents have made their way to the list as well.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

14. Thank God! Things could’ve turned really serious if the person would be stuck in between the sliding parts.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

15. When ‘Can I Help you?’ situation turns awkward.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

16. Running into a stop sign? This scene couldn’t be more ironical. 

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

17. Similar ones definitely bond well with each other.

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through

18. Well, this guy wins the ‘Grossy Accident’ point from the list for sure. 

18 Texting While Walking Accidents That We All Have Been Through





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