Things That Can Happen To Your Penis When You Age


With age, there happen a lot of changes in your body. As you grow older you body starts decaying and you are not able to do many things that you used to do earlier with ease. Your diet, movement, eyesight, health and everything gradually decreases exponentially. Now, while I say this I also mean that your genitals also change with age. In this, we talk about Penis.

For pre-information, even you might know this that most of your body growth includes you penis growth or say genital growth commonly for everyone.

Let’s take a look at what your penis goes through when you age:

1. The Droop.


Your scrotum will droop as you get older. When you sit to use the toilet, your scrotum actually hits the water. There’s hope, however, thanks to an increasingly popular procedure called scrotoplasty.

things that happen to penis with age


That’s right, you can get a sack-job and spare your septuagenarian self the indignity of the splash down.

2. There Will Be Shrinkage—Permanent Shrinkage.

things that happen to penis with age


This isn’t something reversible or like an erection that it’s big for at least some time. This is a persistent, progressive loss of size as you age.

things that happen to penis with age


Normal cells, once hale and hearty, get replaced by non-elastic fibers called collagen, which just sort of reel in the whole apparatus.

things that happen to penis with age


Want to make it worse? Keep building up that beer gut and let it happen faster. As your belly gets bigger, the fat pad pushes out and a larger penile percentage gets buried under the skin. Gain weight, loose length.

3. Going Around the Bend.

things that happen to penis with age


Into your autumn years, you develop curvature. You’ll dogleg left. You’ll pull right. And if that isn’t unsettling enough, this scar tissue does not build up symmetrically. Where you were once an arrow, you become a bow.

things that happen to penis with age


Into your 60s and 70s, “it can get worse and worse. I’ve seen patients (whose penises) look for all appearances like a question mark.”- says Steixner, a well-known Doctor. This is called Peyronie.

things that happen to penis with age


Mercifully, there’s help for punctuation mark syndrome. Today, injectable medicines help release the accumulated plaques anchoring the scar tissue holding your penis in that curve.

4. Erectile Dysfunction.

things that happen to penis with age


There are more than 30 million men with ED, and the reason behind it boils down to blood loss. Having ED is like having a heart attack of the penis.

things that happen to penis with age


And preventing it involves pretty much the same advice you give to someone with a heart condition. Eat well, exercise—control those and you should be fine.

5. The Big C.

things that happen to penis with age


Most men are familiar with the very real risks of prostate and testicular cancer, and symptoms of these are something to watch for as you age. But there’s also a risk of skin cancer to happen on the penis itself, especially if you’re a nudist or like to frequent tanning beds and natural.

things that happen to penis with age


Also, men who are uncircumcised but remiss in their personal hygiene can create conditions that contribute to skin cancer. Stay out of tanning beds, and if you are uncircumcised, keep the hood clean. In extreme cases of penis skin cancer, a complete removal of the penis is required. Don’t let these diseases happen to you.

After this, I’m extremely scared for my old age, I just hope it goes all fine.

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