The Darkest and Awesome Moments Of The Dark Knight.


7.Batman Takes On Green Lantern

the dark knight


The Batman also took on Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern. Makeshifting a custom yellow room to dampen the lantern’s power.

Batman Defeats Swat Team In Style.

the dark knight


Batman’s relationship with GCPD cops isn’t much warm. They usually get in the bat’s way and try to arrest him. Batman usually goes toe to toe with them, once making sure to beat down a Swat member because he tried to shoot a helpless cat.

8.Batman Defeats a Shark.

the dark knight

This is also a terrifying moment when the “Prince Of Clowns” Joker captures Batman as he tried to save Joker’s victims and drops him handcuffed into a pool with a Shark in it. However, Batman takes out the shark with the same pair of cuffs because well, he’s the Batman.

9.Old Batman Owns Superman.

the dark knight

From the movie Dark Knight Returns, Superman is sent by the government to take out Batman who has came out of retirement. The Bat gets Green Arrow to shoot Superman with a Kryptonite arrow and beats Superman down to the ground making it one of the most awesome beatdown ever.


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