These Fault In Our Stars Quotes Taught Us The Best Life Lessons


It’s been 4 years since the ‘ Fault In Our Stars ‘ movie hit the theaters and there are millions of fans who still can’t get over this amazing movie. The book was released in 2012 and after two years when the movie released, even those who are not keen readers fell in love with Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters. It’s easily one of the most romantic movies I have ever seen and it taught us many life lessons too. We all know what the movie is all about, but you may have missed some of the best life lessons it taught us, not about love or friendship but about death, and how it’s unavoidable. Today or tomorrow, it will chase you. You can’t run away from it.

**This article contains major spoilers, so you know what to do.**

Here are the best life lessons ‘ Fault In Our Stars ‘ taught us.

1. Death is inevitable

Do you remember this quote of John Green? When Hazel tells these lines to Augustus, still gives me goosebumps. It’s undoubtedly one of the best life lessons you can get from a movie.

fault in our stars life lessons about death

There will come a time when all of us are dead. There will be no one left to see your degrees, achievements, success. It’s all about living a happy life. If you wanna be successful, earn it. No one has stopped anyone from chasing their dreams. Maybe you haven’t achieved anything in life or haven’t done anything worth remembering, or maybe your days are about to end. You can’t really help yourself or cry over your failures, and even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever. We will die one day and nothing will be left. And if this scares you then I would suggest you should ignore it and live your life to the fullest.

These last words from Steve Jobs would probably clear what we are talking about.

Fault in our stars life lessons about death

Some people call it a hoax but that doesn’t really matter here. What matters are the life lessons.

2. A wish to live together

Two cancer patients are dying to leave together, but apparently, this world is not a wish-granting factory. Sometimes you have to let things go. We can never predict who is gonna be with us till the very end.

fault in our stars life lessons about death

3. The effects of dying

Actually, dying is a whole different thing, but thinking about dying can make anyone anxious and sad. It’s better not to worry and try to be as happy as you can.

fault in our stars life lessons about death 


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